{Price List} New Msp for Rabi Crops 2023 24 – Msp 2023-24 Kharif Pdf

{Price List} New Msp for Rabi Crops 2023 24 – Msp 2023-24 Kharif Pdf: The government of India under the department of agriculture and farmers welfare has recommended the new revised Minimum Support Prices to increase the prices of Rabi crops and Kharif crops in 2023-24 and the MSP will be implemented from the year 2023-24 in the market. Rabi crops that are most affected by the highest increase in Minimum Support Prices which are Lentils, rapeseed, mustard, safflower, wheat, etc have increased. The increased and revised MSP table along with the direct link to download the PDF is also mentioned below in the article.

New Msp for Rabi Crops 2023-24 – CCEA approves Minimum Support Prices

Rabi crops are known as winter crops because crops are grown in winter in the month of October or November. The Rabi crops are harvested in spring. Recently, the MSP for Rabi crops has been revised by the Central Government which has approved the increment in Rabi Crops MSP 2023-24. MSP (Minimum Support Prices) for Rabi crops in Marketing Season 2023-24 has been uploaded on the Department of agriculture and farmers welfare or the farmers portal. People who want to check the Minimum Support Prices can now check on the portal and see the prices for all mandated rabi crops 2023-24 which are going to be marketed in 2023-24.

The objective for the increment in the Minimum Support Prices for Rabi crops in 2023-24 is to fulfilling the commitment of farmers to provide 50% of the return on the cost of production and the decision is taken by the government. The details of New Msp for Rabi Crops 2023-24 are given below in the article along with the prices and names of the crops.

New Msp for Rabi Crops 2022 23

Rabi/Kharif Crops MSP – wheat msp 2023-24 haryana – Overview

Title {Price List} New Msp for Rabi Crops 2023 24 – Msp 2023-24 Kharif Pdf
Department Department of agriculture and farmers welfare
Category Revised MSP
MSP stands for MSP (Minimum Support Prices)
MSP crops
  • Rabi
  • Kharif
Initiated by Government of India
Motive of MSP to provide 50% of the return on the cost of production to farmers.
RMS Year 2023-24
Origin India


MSP increment rates- Rabi Crops

स्वामीनाथन आयोग ने 2023-24 में रबी फसलों की कीमतों में वृद्धि करने के लिए नए संशोधित न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य की सिफारिश की है जिसका विपणन 2023-24 में किया जाएगा। रबी की फसलें जो न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य में सबसे ज्यादा बढ़ोतरी से सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावित हैं, उनमें दाल, रेपसीड, सरसों, कुसुम, गेहूं आदि की वृद्धि हुई है। दाल के लिए रु. 500 रुपये प्रति क्विंटल और रेपसीड और सरसों को रु। 400 प्रति क्विंटल, कुसुम (209 रुपये प्रति क्विंटल), और गेहूं (110 रुपये प्रति क्विंटल)। और इसी तरह, सभी रबी फसलों एमपीएस की चर्चा नीचे तालिका में की गई है।

MSP for Rabi Crops 2023-24 – Price List 

On the Rabi crops, a new and revised MSP has been finalized by the Government of India. The MSP is known as Minimum Support Prices where in the newly raised Rabi Crops the MSP is going to be applicable in the market in the year 2023-24. So in the Rabi Marketing Season (RMS) 2023-24 the new MSP policy will be applicable with a minimum 50% margin of profit. The motive behind the MSP 2023-24 is to increase the farmers’ income by 2023, giving a 50% return on the cost of production, and improving their welfare substantively. To know the rates of the Rabi Crops and the MSP rates, go through the given below table carefully.

MSP (Per Quintal) Rabi Crops
5441 Safflower
5050 Rapeseed and Mustard
5500 Masur
5230 Gram
1635 Barley
2015 Wheat

Rabi Crops MSP for Rabi Marketing System (RMS) 2023-24 – Rabi Crops MSP 2023-24 

MSP 2023-24 Kharif- Pdf Download

The government of India under the department of agriculture and farmers welfare has revised the Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for the Kharif Crops. Kharif crops are also known as monsoon crops or autumn crops which are harvested in the monsoon season, from June to November. This year in 2023-24 government has decided to change the MSP of the crops for providing the farmers with 50% of the return on the cost of production and to fulfill their commitments. Along with the rabi crops and Kharif crops, MSP is also going to increase and the PDF link for the price list is given below in the article. You can directly click the link and download the PDF for future reference.

Important links:

Further Asked Questions:

What is MSP?

MSP stands for Minimum Support Price which is a guaranteed price that has been decided by the Government with the objective of supporting farmers.

What is the New Msp for Rabi Crops 2023 24?

On the Rabi crops, a new and revised MSP has been finalized by the Government of India. The MSP is known as Minimum Support Prices where in the newly raised Rabi Crops the MSP is going to be applicable in the market in the year 2023-24.

What is Rabi and Kharif crop?

Kharif crops are also known as monsoon crops or autumn crops which are harvested in the monsoon season, from June to November.
Rabi crops are known as winter crops because crops are grown in winter in the month of October or November.

Who initiated the new price list as MSP for Rabi and Kharif Crops?

The government of India under the department of agriculture and farmers welfare has recommended the new revised Minimum Support Prices to increase the prices of Rabi crops and Kharif crops in 2023-24

What is the motive behind the Msp 2023-24 Kharif/ Rabi crops?

The motive behind the MSP 2023-24 is to increase the farmers’ income by 2023, giving a 50% return on the cost of production, and improving their welfare substantively.

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