Ekadashi May 2023 Date and Time – Ekadashi Kab Hai, Dates, Vrat, List [Month Wise]

Ekadashi May 2023 Date and Time – Ekadashi Kab Hai, Dates, Vrat, List [Month Wise]: Ekadashi fasting has more importance, according to the scriptures, Ekadashi fasting is mainly done for attaining salvation. If we consider it in a year, then 24 to 25 Ekadashi fasts come, it comes 2 times in a month, Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha. The Ekadashi that is coming in the month of May this year is Mohini Ekadashi.

Ekadashi Kab Hai – Ekadashi 2023 Date and Time

This year Mohini Ekadashi is on May 2023. The date of Mohini Ekadashi will start on May 11 at 7.31 in the evening and will end on May 12 at 6.51 in the evening. Mohini Ekadashi has a lot of significance. It is believed that by this fast the man does not have to suffer the tortures of Hell. It is believed that Lord Vishnu took this form during the churning of the ocean in Treta Yuga, so we celebrate and worship it every year.

General Details Regarding Ekadashi May 2023 – Baruthini ekadasi kab hai

Ekadashi may 2023

12th may 2023 26 May 2023
Shukla Paksh Mohini Ekadashi krishana pakashApara Ekadashi

11 May 7:30 pm to 12 May 6:51 pm


25 May 10:32 am to 26 May 10:51 am  

Mohini Ekadashi

On 13th May, Parana Time – 05:32 AM to 08:14 AM
On Parana Day Dwadashi End Moment – 05:27 PM

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nirjala ekadashi 2023 date and time – मोहिनी एकादशी का महत्व

मई 2023 को शुक्ल पक्ष की एकादशी है। जो हम मोहिनी एकादशी एक रूप में माने है। इसी महीने मैं 26 मई को कृष्ण पक्ष की एकादशी है हम साल में कुल मिलाकर 25 से 26 तक एकादशी मनाते है जिन्का सब का अलग महतव है| मई माह में मैंने जाने जली मोहिनी एकादशी का महत्व है की ये एकादशी का वचन करने से सभी पारकर का मोह नशठ हो जाते हैं। माना जाता है की वैशाख एकादशी सबसे बड़ी होती है। इसके साथ ही ज्येष्ठ में आने वाली एकादशी निर्जला एकादशी भी बहुत अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है| इस वर्त को करने से सुख समृद्धि बढ़ती है वी मन की शांति प्रप्त होती है। वेशाखी एकादशी का महत्व है लिए भी ज्यादा है की ये भगवान विष्णु के मोहिनी अवतार के लिए जाने जाते हैं इसी दिन भगवान विष्णु के मोहिनी अवतार की पूजा अर्चना की जाति है| इस वर्त से श्रेष्ठ कोई वर्त नहीं माना गया है, इसे करने से 1000 गायें दान करने का लाभ प्राप्त होता है

List Of Ekadashi Tithi, Ekadashi May 2023 [Ekadashi Full Year Calendar 2023]

Date  Ekadashi Timing
13 January 2023 Pausha Putrada Ekadashi
Vaikuntha Ekadashi
start 4:49 pm
Ends 7:32 pm
28 January 2023 Shattila Ekadashi start 2:16 am

End 11:35 pm

12 February 2023 jaya Ekadashi start 1:52 pm 11/2

End 4:27 pm  12/2

26 February 2023 Vijaya Ekadashi start 10:39 am  25/3

End 8:12 am 26/3

27 February 2023 Gauna Vijaya Ekadashi

Vaishava Vijaya Ekadashi

start 10:39 am  26/3

End 8:12 am  27/3

14 March 2023 Amalaki Ekadashi start 10:21 am  13/3

End 8:12 am 14/3

28 March 2023 Vijaya Ekadashi start 6:04 pm 27/3

End 4:15 pm 28/3

12 April 2023 Kamada Ekadash start 4:30 am 12/3

End 5:02 am 13/3

13  April 2023 Kamada Ekadash start 4:30 am 12/3

End 5:02 am 13/3

26 April 2023 Papmochani Ekadashi start 1:37 am 26/4

End 12:47 am 27/4

12 May 2023 Mohini Ekadashi start 7:31 pm 11/5

End 6:51 pm 12/5

26 May 2023 Vaishnava Varuthini start 10:32 pm 25/5

End 10;54 am 26/5

11 June 2023 Nirjala Ekadashi Start 7:25 am 10/6

End 5:45 am 11/6

24 June 2023 Apara Ekadashi Start 9:41 pm 23/6

End 11:12 pm 24/6

10 July 2023 Devshayani Ekadashi Start 4:39 pm 9/7

End 2:13 pm 10/7

24 July 2023 Yogini Ekadashi Start 11:27 am 23/7

End 1:45 pm 24/7

08 August 2023 Shravana Putrada Ekadash Start 11;50 pm 7/8

End 9:00 pm 8/8

22 August 2023 Vaishnava Kamika Ekadashi Start 3:35 am 22/8

End 06:06 23/8

23 August 2023 Vaishnava Kamika Ekadashi  Start 3:35 am 22/8

End 06:06 23/8

06 September 2023 Parsva Ekadashi Start 5:54 am 6/9

End 3:o4 am 7/9

21 September 2023 Aja Ekadashi Start 9;26 20/9

End 11:34 21/9

06 October 2023 Papankusha Ekadashi Start 12:00 pm 5/10

End 9:40 am 6/10

21 October 2023 Indira Ekadashi Start 4:04 pm 20/10

End 5:22 pm 21/10

04 November 2023 Devutthana Ekadashi Start 7:30 pm 03/11

End 6:08 pm 04/11

20 November 2023 Rama Ekadashi Start 10:29 am 19/11

End 10:41 20/10

03 December 2023 Mokshada Ekadashi Start 5:39 3/12

End 5:34 4/12

19 December 2023 Utpanna Ekadashi Start 3:32 19/12

End 2: 32 20/12

Mohini Ekadashi Vrat Puja Method, Ekadashi May 2023

On the day of Ekadashi fast, the fasting person should wake up early in the morning at Brahma Muhurta and do all the daily work and take a seat at the place of worship. Place a worship post on Pooja Bedi. Now establish a picture of Lord Vishnu’s Mohini form or Lord Vishnu with Maa Lakshmi.

Start the worship with folded hands in front of them and take a vow of fasting. Light a lamp of ghee and offer incense, lamp, naivedya flowers, akshat and prasad. Now offer Bhog to Lord Vishnu. Now listen or read the story of the Mohini form of Lord Vishnu. After this, do the aarti of Lord Vishnu. Tulsi must be included for the enjoyment of God, because without Tulsi, Lord Vishnu does not accept Bhog.

After this, keep a fruit fast for the whole day. On the next day, break the fast by doing Parana in an auspicious time. Take food after feeding the needy.

When is Mohini Ekadashi 2023?,(Mohini Ekdashi Kab Hai)

This year Mohini Ekadashi is on 12th May 2023. The date of Mohini Ekadashi will start on May 11 at 7.31 in the evening and will end on May 12 at 6.51 in the evening.

Time of Parana of Mohini Ekadashi Vrat, (mohini ekdashi vart parana time)

The Parana of Mohini Ekadashi Vrat is done on Dwadashi Tithi. Those who have observed the fast of Mohini Ekadashi on 12th May. They should pass on the next day i.e. 13th May. It is a religious belief that breaking Ekadashi fast in Trayodashi is inauspicious.

May 2023 Vrat Katha, Mohini Ekadashi Fasting Story in English, (Mohini Ekadashi Vart Katha)

There was a beautiful city named Bhadravati. The king there was Dhritiman. There lived a Vaishya named Dhanpal in his city, who was full of wealth. He was always engaged in virtuous deeds. He had five sons, the youngest of whom was Dhrishtabuddhi. He was wasting his father’s wealth in sinful deeds.

One day he was seen walking around the crossroads with his arm around the neck of the city bride. Angered by this, the father threw him out of the house and his brothers and sisters also abandoned him. Now he started wandering here and there, drowning in sorrow and sorrow day and night.

One day Maharishi reached the ashram of Kaundilya with the effect of some virtue. It was the month of Vaishakh. Kaundilya had come after taking a bath in the Ganges. The sage, suffering from the weight of grief, went to Kaundilya and with folded hands said: ‘Brahman! Double best! Have mercy on me and tell me such a fast, by which I can be liberated from the effect of virtue.’

Kaundilya said:- In the Shukla Paksha of Vaishakh month, observe the fast of Ekadashi, popularly known as ‘Mohini’. The sins of many births are also destroyed by the virtue of this fast. Dhrishtabudhi fasted according to the method prescribed by the sage, due to which he became sinless and went to Shri Vishnudham, taking a divine body.

मई 2023 व्रत कथा, मोहिनी एकादशी व्रत कथा हिंदी में

भद्रावती नाम की एक सुन्दर नगरी थी। वहां के राजा धृतिमान थे। उसके नगर में धनपाल नाम का एक वैश्य रहता था, जो धन-धान्य से परिपूर्ण था। वे सदा पुण्य कार्यों में लगे रहते थे। उनके पाँच पुत्र थे, जिनमें सबसे छोटा धृष्टबुद्धि था। वह अपने पिता के धन को पाप कर्मों में बर्बाद कर रहा था। एक दिन वह शहर की दुल्हन के गले में हाथ डाले चौराहे पर घूमते देखा गया। इससे नाराज होकर पिता ने उसे घर से निकाल दिया और उसके भाई-बहनों ने भी उसे छोड़ दिया।

अब वह दिन-रात दु:ख-दुःख में डूबता हुआ इधर-उधर भटकने लगा। एक दिन महर्षि किसी गुण के प्रभाव से कौंडिल्य के आश्रम पहुंचे। वैशाख का महीना था। कौंडिल्य गंगा में स्नान करके आए थे। ऋषि, दु:ख के भार से पीड़ित, कौंडिल्य के पास गए और हाथ जोड़कर कहा: ‘ब्राह्मण! डबल बेस्ट! मुझ पर दया करो और मुझे एक ऐसा व्रत बताओ, जिससे मैं पुण्य के प्रभाव से मुक्त हो सकूं।’

कौंडिल्य ने कहा:- वैशाख मास के शुक्ल पक्ष में एकादशी का व्रत करें, जिसे ‘मोहिनी’ के नाम से जाना जाता है। इस व्रत के पुण्य से कई जन्मों के पाप भी नष्ट हो जाते हैं। धृष्टबुधि ने ऋषि द्वारा बताई गई विधि के अनुसार उपवास किया, जिसके कारण वे पापरहित हो गए और एक दिव्य शरीर लेकर श्री विष्णुधाम चले गए।

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