[www.ihmcl. co. in] www.nhai.gov.in Toll Fastag Monthly Pass Recharge online

www.nhai.gov.in Toll Fastag – National Highway Authority of India has launched a scheme name Fastag. Applicants who are interested can apply for the NHAI Fastag Registration from here. The mode of applying for registration is an online process. The FASTag sticker is pasted on the windshield of the vehicle. Candidates are required to recharge their fastag from the various online payment apps. We have mentioned the official link of the fastag Monthly Recharge at the end of the article.

Toll Fastag Monthly Pass Recharge Online

National Electronic Toll Collection is well-known as NETC which helps the department to pay toll amounts via online transactions. The usage of Fastag has to be pasted on the windshield of the vehicle. On the Toll, the scanner will be scanning the stickers from the stickers automatically the amount will b deducted. But before that candidates are required to recharge the Fastag for paying the toll. For more details read out the given below article.

Collect Details For Fastag Recharge & Monthly Pass

Department Name National Highways Authority of India
Stand As NHAI
Comes Under Government of India
Another Name of Department IHMCL
Year 2022
Post Name Toll Fastag Monthly Pass Recharge
Article Name www.ihmcl. co. in] www.nhai.gov.in Toll Fastag Monthly Pass Recharge online
Mode of Recharge Online
Category Toll Recharge
IHMCL Official Website ihmcl.co.in and www.nhai.gov.in


NHAI टोल फास्टैग मासिक पास रिचार्ज

भारत सरकार में भारतीय राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग प्राधिकरण नाम का एक विभाग शामिल है, जिसने टोल फास्टैग नाम से एक ऑनलाइन पोर्टल लॉन्च किया है। इस योजना को शुरू करने का मकसद ग्राहकों को ऑनलाइन सुविधाएं मुहैया कराना है. आवेदकों को टोल पर राशि का भुगतान करना आवश्यक है। केवल आवेदकों को वाहन के विंडशील्ड पर फास्टैग से स्टिकर चिपकाने होंगे। अधिक विवरण जानने के लिए उम्मीदवारों को नीचे दिए गए लेख की जांच करने की आवश्यकता है।

Documents Required To Recharge Online Fastag

Applicants can check the documents required for the Fastag which are given below. We have mentioned the list of the documents which are mandatory for the online recharge of the Fastag

  • RC of the vehicle.
  • Application Form.
  • Seal and Signed
  • Government ID.
  • Colored passport-size photograph.
  • Proof of Exemption (Government Officials).

NHAI FASTag Fee & Charges

The NHAI Department will be taking the fees and charges for the monthly expenses. Applicants are required to pay the fees through the official website. We have mentioned the official website link at the end. It is well-known as Insurance fees. The charges of insurance fees are Rs 100/- respectively. You can pay through any mode which is Debit/Credit Card or Net Banking.

Platform Available To Recharge the NHAI Toll Fastag Recharge

Here we are sharing with you the various types of the portal from where you can recharge the Fastag. From any of the portal, you can recharge the Fastag which are mentioned below.

  • HDFC Bank
  • Axis Bank
  • Paytm
  • Phonepay
  • ICICI Bank
  • Yes Bank
  • NAHI Official Portal

How To Recharge the NHAI Toll Fastag Monthly Pass Recharge?

Applicants can check out the simple steps for doing the toll recharge monthly which are given below. We have mentioned the steps in below points.

  1. Candidates have to check the official website of NHAI.
  2. On the homepage search for the Fastag option.
  3. Click on it. You will be getting the buy monthly option.
  4. Enter your Mobile Number, and PAN Number, and tick on the Terms & Conditions box.
  5. Click on the Submit Button.
  6. Noe your application procedure is completed here.

Important Links For Recharge the Fastag

  • Check the official website of the NHAI – Click Here
  • Download the Fastag Sticker from IMCL Website – Click Here
What is the charge for Insurance Fees?

Applicants are required to pay Rs 100/- for Insurance fees.

What is the official website of IHMCL?

The official website of the Indian Highways Management Company Limited is https://ihmcl.co.in/

What is the full name of NHAI?

The full name of the NHAI is National Highways Authority of India

What are the features of Fastag?

There are various types of features available for Fastag given below.
It helps in making transactions digitally.
Able to recharge at any time
Helps in less contact transactions.

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