Atal Ayushman Yojana has been announced by the Uttarakhand government. Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Online Registration Process will be starting soon. Applicants who have to apply for Atal Ayushman Yojana 2023 have to apply before the Atal Ayushman Yojana Last Date. Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand in Hindi is also given below. Atal Ayushman Uttarakhand Yojana Hospital List is available with Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Helpline Number from the post below. Applicants can apply online for Golden Card Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand and can also apply for Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Online Registration 2023 through the link below. For more information on Atal Ayushman Yojana for Government Employees read the complete post.
अटल आयुष्मान योजना 2023 रजिस्ट्रेशन
इस अटल आयुष्मान योजना 2023 को आरम्भ किये हुए पूरा एक साल हो चूक है उत्तराखंड के मुख्यमंत्री जी ने कहा है कि इस योजना के तहत अभी तक 1 लाख 10 हजार मरीजों का निशुल्क उपचार किया जा चुका है इस उपचार में 104.86 करोड रुपए का खर्च आया। इस योजना की शुरुआत में राज्य के लगभग 18 लाख परिवारों को भी प्रतिवर्ष 5 लाख रूपये की निःशुल्क चिकित्सा सुविधा उपलब्ध करायी जायेगी।अटल आयुष्मान योजना ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन से जुडी सभी जानकारी जैसे आवेदन प्रक्रिया ,पात्रता ,दस्तावेज़ आदि प्रदान करने जा रहे है अतः हमारे इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़े।
Atal Ayushman Yojana Overview
Name of Scheme | Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand |
Launched By | Uttarakhand Government |
Aim | Provide health care |
Scheme For | Poor Peoples of Uttarakhand |
Application Mode | Online |
Official Website | |
Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand List 2023 Details
The objective of Atal Ayushman Uttarakhand is to reduce catastrophic health expenditure, improve access to quality health care, reduce unmet needs and reduce out of pocket healthcare expenditures of poor and vulnerable AB-PMJAY Beneficiary Family Unit falling under the deprivation criteria of D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 and D7, Automatically Included category and broadly 11 defined occupational un-organized workers (in Urban Sector) of the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) database of the State, GEP (Government Employee and Pensioners) Beneficiary Family Unit and RP (Remaining Population) Beneficiary Family Unit. These eligible Atal Ayushman Uttarakhand beneficiary families will be provided coverage for secondary, tertiary, and daycare procedures (as applicable) for the treatment of diseases and medical conditions through a network of Empanelled Health Care Providers (EHCP).
Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Eligibility Criteria 2023
Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand 2023 is started for poor families. So the Uttarakhand Government has set eligibility criteria to reduce illegal registration forms. The applicant’s family should have permanent residence in Uttarakhand. The family should fall in the Below Poverty Line. At the time of treatment, the applicant should have an Aadhar Card or Ayushman Yojana Golden Card with them. If Ayushman Yojana Golden Card is not with them they should have a Ration Card, Voter Card, etc. The family of the patient should not be involved in any central scheme or state scheme.
Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Documents Required 2023
The List of documents required while applying for the Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Online Registration Process are:
- Recent Passport Size Photo
- Applicants Aadhar Card
- NFSA Ration Card (2014-15)
- MSBY Card
- Voter Id
- Residential Certificate
- Mobile Number
- Ration Card
Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Benefits 2023
Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand is for the help of the poor families of Uttarakhand. Under this Atal Ayushman Yojana Scheme 2023, all the benefits are listed below:
- Under the Atal Ayushman Scheme, poor people will get up to 5 lakhs rupees concession for treatment in hospitals. At 600 places the government will provide special attention to poor people.
- Free treatment in government hospitals will also be provided.
- Better facilities will be provided to poor families in private hospitals.
Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Benefits from the treatment of serval diseases.
Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand List provides special attention and treatment for serval diseases. There are 1350 packages covered under the Ayushman Bharat Scheme in Uttarakhand whose distribution is as follows:-
Type of Diseases | Number of Packages |
Heart Disease | 130 |
Eye Disease | 42 |
Nose, Ear, Throat Disease | 94 |
Bone Disease | 114 |
Urine Disease | 161 |
Female Disease | 73 |
Surgical Disease | 253 |
Neuro Surgery, Neuro Radiology & Plastic Surgery, Burn Disease | 115 |
Dentistry | 9 |
Pediatric Disease | 156 |
Medical Disease | 70 |
Cancer Disease | 112 |
Other | 21 |
Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Mobile Application 2023
All the beneficiaries are available on the AAUY Mobile App. Applicants can download the Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Mobile Application through the link given below.
For Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Mobile Application: Click Here
Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Registration Process 2023
Applicants who want to register for AAYU 2023 can apply through the registered account. Applicants can check Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Registration Process through the steps below:
- First of all, visit the Atal Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand Official Website i.e.
- From Home Page click on Family Eligibility.
- Click on the form you are eligible for.
- Now fill out the Registration Form.
- Upload all the documents asked.
- Click on submit.
- Take the hard copy which contains the registration number.
Golden Card Ayushman Yojana Uttarakhand 2023
Ayushman Yojana Golden Card 2023 is an offline process. An applicant has to visit the nearby government hospital/ Community Service Center. The applicant has to give all the documents which are listed in the eligibility criteria to the agent. Now submit Rs. 30 and get the golden card for your family and take the benefits of the Ayushman Yojana Golden Card.
For Official Website: CLICK HERE